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Port Saplaya Beach

Alboraia - L`Horta

Port Saplaya Beach

Located to the south of the marina of the same name, the beach has fine sand and is busy all year round. It has all kinds of services. The southern part of the beach is accessible to all and has a customer service point, with amphibious chairs, support staff, etc.


– Popularity: medium. – Development: semi-developed beach – Type of sand: white. – Quality of sand: fine grain, mixed with pebbles – Bathing conditions: moderate waves. – Water quality: suitable for bathing – Transport: bus from Valencia and Alboraya. – Hostelry: tourist accommodation, bars, spas and good restaurants. – Supervision: Red Cross post, with rescue boat. – Other services: beach cleaning, litter bins, nautical rentals and showers – Distances: 1 km from Puig and 5 km from Valencia

Tipo de playa

  • Playa urbana - seniurbana
  • Arena Fina

Servicios de playa

  • Estado del mar
  • Cruz roja
  • Lavapies
  • Acceso personas con movilidad reducida
  • Accesibles
  • Paseo Marítimo
  • Fácil Acceso
  • Bar