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Valencia Turismo > Planifica tu experiencia > Playas > Puig Val-Play Puig Beach

Puig Val-Play Puig Beach

El Puig de Santa Maria - L`Horta

Puig Val-Play Puig Beach

An open beach, converted into small coves thanks to breakwaters that prevent strong waves. It has fine sand and pebbles in some sections. Behind the beach is a pleasant seafront promenade with gardens, dotted with palm trees, which gives the area an attractive appearance. It is two kilometres from El Puig de Santa María and 15km from Valencia.


– Popularity: high – Development: semi-developed beach –Type of sand: golden. – Sand quality: fine – Bathing conditions: moderate waves. – Water quality: good for bathing – Transport: bus from Puig / private car –Hostelry: tourist accommodation and bars. – Supervision: permanent – Other services: beach cleaning, litter bins and showers –Distances: 2 km from Puig and 15 km from Valencia.

Tipo de playa

  • Playa urbana - seniurbana
  • Grava
  • Arena Fina
  • Arena Gruesa

Servicios de playa

  • Pasarelas
  • Abierta
  • Restaurante
  • Parking
  • Estado del mar
  • Cruz roja
  • Parada bus taxi
  • Lavapies
  • Hoteles
  • Acceso personas con movilidad reducida
  • Accesibles
  • Juegos deportivos
  • Vigilancia Marítima