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Almardá Beach

El Camp de Morvedre - Sagunto

Almardá Beach

This is an open, two-kilometre long beach formed of fine sand and loose stones. Its most attractive feature is the chain of dunes with great ecological value on the western side.


– Popularity: medium – Development: semi-developed beach – Type of sand: golden – Sand quality: fine grain mixed with gravel – Bathing conditions: moderate waves – Water quality: optimal for bathing – Transport: bus from Sagunto in summer – Hostelry: tourist accommodation. – Supervision: local police and Red Cross lifeguards – Other services: beach cleaning and showers – Distances: 7 km from Sagunto and 31 km from Valencia – Location: it lies between the beaches of Corinto-Malvarrosa and Racó de la Mar. – Access: along the Puerto de Sagunto coastal road, after crossing Canet d’En Berenguer.


Blue Flag, ISO 9001, Spanish Tourism Quality Institute (ICTE) award, ISO 14001

Tipo de playa

  • Playa urbana - seniurbana
  • Arena Gruesa

Servicios de playa

  • Pasarelas
  • Abierta
  • Restaurante
  • Parking
  • Estado del mar
  • Cruz roja
  • Lavapies
  • Acceso personas con movilidad reducida
  • Lavabos
  • Windsurf
  • Accesibles
  • Juegos deportivos
  • Chiringuito