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Miramar Beach

La Safor - Miramar

Miramar Beach

A town beach with fine sand and clean waters, in an urban environment of small houses and gardens. It is bounded by a well-kept seafront promenade with palm trees. The beach has a lovely view of the Sierra de Montgó mountain range.


– Popularity: medium – Development: urban – Type of sand: golden – Sand quality: fine grain – Bathing conditions: moderate waves – Water quality: suitable for bathing Certified with the Q for Tourism Quality by the ICTE – Transport: bus from Gandia – Hostelry: tourist accommodation, camping site and restaurants – Supervision: local police and Red Cross with manned boat. – Other services: beach cleaning, litter bins and permanent medical service. – Distances: 2 km from Miramar and 72 km from Valencia. – Access: via the Bellreguard-coast road which crosses the N-322, and via the CV-670 Nazaret – Oliva road.


Blue Flag

Tipo de playa

    Servicios de playa

    • Pasarelas
    • Abierta
    • Restaurante
    • Estado del mar
    • Cruz roja
    • Campings
    • Parada bus taxi
    • Lavapies
    • Acceso personas con movilidad reducida
    • Turist info
    • Accesibles
    • Juegos deportivos