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Meliana Beach

L`Horta - Meliana

Meliana Beach

An open beach with coarse sand and boulders, protected by a chain of dunes with an abundance of Mediterranean vegetation that gives the area a very natural appearance.


– Popularity: medium – Development: semi-developed beach – Type of sand: white – Sand quality: fine – Bathing conditions: moderate waves – Water quality: good for bathing – Supervision: warning signs. – Other services: showers – Distances: 1 km from Puig and 5 km from Valencia – Access: via junction 2 of the A-7, direction Alboraya-Port Saplaya. — Directly from Meliana, along the beach road, crossing the motorway overpass

Tipo de playa

  • Playa virgen
  • Arena Gruesa

Servicios de playa

  • Abierta
  • Parking
  • Lavabos
  • Juegos deportivos
  • Bolos