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Bellreguard Beach

Bellreguard - La Safor

Bellreguard Beach

In urban surroundings, this is an open beach with fine sand, measuring almost a kilometre long; ideal for windsurfing and other water sports.


– Occupancy rate: Medium. – Degree of urban development: Urbanised. – Type of sand: White. – Quality of sand: Fine grain. – Swimming conditions: Moderate waves. – Water quality: Suitable for swimming. – Hostelry: Tourist accommodation, recreation areas, bars and restaurant. – Transport: Bus from Gandia – Supervision: Local police and Red Cross, with manned speedboat – Other services: Beach cleaning, litter bins and rentals. – Distances: 3 km from Bellreguard and 70 km from Valencia.


Blue Flag, Spanish Tourism Quality Institute (ICTE) award

Tipo de playa

  • Playa urbana - seniurbana

Servicios de playa

  • Pasarelas
  • Abierta
  • Restaurante
  • Parking
  • Estado del mar
  • Cruz roja
  • Parada bus taxi
  • Lavapies
  • Acceso personas con movilidad reducida
  • Turist info
  • Lavabos
  • Accesibles
  • Juegos deportivos