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Museums and monuments

From Rincón de Ademuz to Gandia and from Sagunto to Ontinyent, the Province of València is full of historical monuments and interesting museums to visit.
Below we list, region by region, a selection of the best.

València and L’Horta

The City of Arts and Sciences Complex by itself deserves a visit to the city of València. Within this complex is the Príncipe Felipe Science Museum, the most visited museum in the city, and the Oceanogràfic, the largest aquarium in Europe, both with more than one million annual visitors. L’Hemisfèric, one of the few spaces in Spain that broadcast films in IMAX format, the Palau de les Arts, the city’s opera house, the Umbracle garden and the Agora multipurpose building complete this architectural ensemble that in a few short years has become a symbol and image of the city.

As for museums, the San Pio V Museum of Fine Arts, one of the most important art galleries in Spain, is worth highlighting, with works by Velázquez, Goya, El Bosco, and Valencian masters such as Sorolla, Ribera or Juan de Juanes, and the IVAM, the museum of Modern Art in the city with an excellent collection of its own and very interesting temporary exhibitions.

The Muvim, the La Beneficència Cultural Center (which includes the Prehistory Museum of València and the Valencian Museum of Ethnology), the Fallero Museum, the Archaeological Center of l’Almoina or L’Iber, the largest museum of tin soldiers in the world, are other examples of the variety of museums that the city offers.

The monuments of the city are not far behind: for the visitor it is a pleasure to get lost in the streets of its old town where there are emblematic buildings such as La Lonja de la Seda, an emblematic building of the Valencian civil Gothic and a World Heritage Site, the modernist Central Market, with about 400 stalls selling fresh products, the Cathedral of València with its “Micalet”, the name by which its bell tower is known, and the Chapel of the Holy Grail, the Palace of the Marqués de Dos Aguas, a Baroque masterpiece and home of the National Museum of Ceramics and Sumptuary Arts, or the Torres de Serranos and Quart, old city gates. The Plaza del Ayuntamiento, de la Virgen, la Reina or the original Plaza Redonda are a must-see for visitors who can take the opportunity to have a drink on the many terraces that surround them. Religious buildings such as the Church of San Nicolás de Bari, with its impressive recently restored frescoes, the Basilica of the Virgen de los Desamparados, the Church of San Juan del Hospital, the Convent of Santo Domingo or the Church of the Santos Juanes are also Recommended stops on any city sightseeing tour.

Still in València, the Monastery of San Miguel de los Reyes, home of the current Valencian Library, offers guided tours where jewels from its collection are displayed. Just 11km from València, the visitor can see the Puig de Santa María Monastery, a 13th century structure in the place where the battle was fought that allowed King Jaume I to conquer the city of València.

El Rincón de Ademuz

Two religious buildings represent possibly the most emblematic monuments of the region: the Hermitage of Nuestra Señora de la Huerta, the oldest building in Ademuz, dating from the 13th-14th centuries, and the Fortress-Church de Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles de Castielfabib , located on a hill overlooking the town, which offers a spectacular appearance from the outside.

La Serranía

In this region there are museums palaeontology, such as the Alpuente Palaeontological Museum, with an interesting collection of dinosaur fossils; and those related to the customs and traditions of the place, such as the Ethnological Museum of Alpuente or the Almazara del Conde de Sot de Chera, which reveal different aspects of the life and work of the people of La Serranía.

El Camp de Turia

The town of Llíria, capital of the region, has an exceptionally rich historical-cultural heritage, and is one of València’s main historical cities, with an archaeological and monumental complex with monuments such as the Church of the Blood, the Royal Monastery of San Miguel and the various Iberian sites, as well as the Roman Mausoleums and the Arab baths. Lliría is known for its great musical tradition: its two musical societies, dating from the 19th century, and its musical societies have participated and won in numerous national and international competitions.

Other towns and villages in the region that stand out for their heritage are: Riba-Roja de Túria with its castle and walls and with the Pla de Nadal Visigoth Museum, and the Castell de Benisanó, which dates from the 15th century and is one of the best preserved in the Comunitat Valènciana.

El Camp de Morvedre

The historic city of Sagunto, whose first historical references date back to the 3rd century BC, is one of the essential visits for tourists. The importance of its historical-artistic complex is indisputable, especially its Castle, with more than two thousand years of history, the Jewish Quarter and, of course, the Roman Theatre, where even today theatrical performances are still held every summer. To complete the cultural wealth of Sagunto, new museum spaces have been opened, such as the Vía del Pórtico and the Domus dels Peixos.

In Torres-Torres we can also find some well-preserved Arab baths where various rooms and the original bricks of the floor can be clearly distinguished.

L’Hoya de Bunyol

This region, internationally known for hosting events such as the famous Tomatina or the G.P. of Motorcycling G.P. of the Comunitat Valènciana also offers a rich cultural heritage.

Buñol Castle is undoubtedly the most symbolically important monument in this region. Built in the 11th and 12th centuries on two rocky outcrops in the centre of Buñol, the fortress has two enclosures separated by artificial moats.

Also famous are the springs of Siete Aguas (they give the town its name, although in reality they number more than a hundred). Perhaps the best known is the Fountain of the Seven Jets, more than a century old, and where the locals still go to drink from its waters.


The Mediaeval Town of Requena, known as the Barrio de la Villa, is recognised as a Site of Cutural Interest. It dates back to the 7th C a.d. Here the visitor can see the Keep, the Alcazaba Fortress and the Jewish Quarter, the Cuevas de la Villa Caves, the Churches of San Nicolás de Bari and Santa María, the Parish Church of El Salvador, and wander through the Cuesta de las Carnicerías, the Castle, and the Castle and Town Squares.

This region is also known for its wines, which are growing in prestige both nationally and internationally. In Utiel there is the Wine Museum of the Comunitat Valènciana where the history of the region’s wines is on display.

Valle de Ayora-Cofrentes

In Ayora, capital of the region, the castle of Ayora and its spectacular views stand out, as well as the Iberian town of Castellar de Meca, one of the most prominent in the Province. Due to its landscape and border location, castles abound in the region, such as Chirel or Cortes de Pallás.

It is also interesting to visit the Don Juan Cave in Jalance, one of the few caves that can be visited in the Province, undoubtedly spectacular.

La Canal de Navarrés

Thanks to the great archaeological value of the region we can find museums such as The Permanent Archaeological Collection of Enguera and the EcoMuseum of Bicorp. In addition, in the region there are castles, churches and palaces, among which we highlight the Palace of the Counts of Cervellón de Anna, currently converted into a Heritage Information Centre.

La Ribera Alta

The historic city of Alzira has a variety of monuments and museums that justify the visit: its Muslim walls, the neighbourhood of La Vila, the historic centre of the city, declared a Site of Cultural Interest, with outstanding buildings such as the Casa Consistorial of the 16th century or the museums of the MUMA (the municipal museum of the city) and the Fallero Museum of Alzira.

The Monastery of La Murta, in the town of Alzira, is possibly its most emblematic monument. Built between the 14th and 15th centuries, it has been declared a Site of Cultural Interest, which has helped with its restoration. It is part of the Route of the Monasteries, which covers five Valencian monasteries.

Outside Carcaixent, the so-called Orange Route offers interesting examples of Industrial and Cultural Heritage: it is interesting to discover the practical architecture of the old warehouses and traditional field tools and utensils, such as the “Magatzem de Ribera”. In the month of June, for the last few years, Carcaixent has hosted the Modernist Fair.

In Algemesí, the Museu Valencià de la Fiesta offers an interesting tour of the main Valencian festivals, with special attention to the Mare de Déu de la Salut festivities, declared Intangible Heritage of Humanity.

La Ribera Baixa

Best known for its attractive beaches and gastronomy, the region also offers interesting cultural resources. Right next to one of its most emblematic beaches, the Faro de Cullera beach, we can enjoy one of the oldest lighthouses in the Province, dating from 1858. A visit to the Castle and its walls, as well as the Torre del Marenyet declared a Site of Cultural Interest.

The towns of Corbera and Almussafes also have two towers (the Torre Árabe de la Ermita de San Miguel and the Torre Racef) of great historical value.

In Sueca we would highlight the Parish Church of San Pedro Apóstol, of Romanesque origin, although much remodelled and expanded over the centuries, and also the House-Museum of Joan Fuster and the Muntanyeta del Sants, which is currently a microreserve of flora.

La Safor

With 26 monuments declared Sites of Cultural Interest, La Safor is far from being a destination that only offers sun and beaches to its visitors. The Ducal Palace of Gandia is a good example of this rich heritage: from the 14th Century it is considered one of the jewels of Valencian lay architecture, linked to the most universal Valencian family: the Borgias.

In addition to the numerous towers and castles found in the region (Villalonga Castle, Borró Castle in Rótova, Santa Ana Castle in Oliva, the Alfauir Tower, the Vall de Tavernes de la Valldigna Tower …)

The Monastery of Santa María de la Valldigna, in Simat de la Valldigna, founded in 1298, is an excellent example of Valencian Gothic and, according to tradition, responsible for the current name of the region, formerly known as Alfandech: King Jaime II of Aragon exclaimed when passing through these lands: Vall digna per a un monestir de la vostra religió -A suitable valley for a monastery of your religion-. The Monastery is part of the Ruta dels Monestirs, a route of about 90 kilometres that connects it with the monasteries of Sant Jeroni de Cotalba, in Alfauir, Corpus Christi, Llutxent, Aguas Vivas, Carcaixent and La Murta, in Alzira.

La Costera

Xàtiva has been declared a historical-artistic complex, and well deserves a visit from anywhere in València, to explore it calmly. It affords a spectacular panoramic view from its Castle, from which the entire region can be seen, as well as a visit to the Museum of l’Almodí, where the portrait of Felipe V, responsible for the burning of the city ​​in the 18th century, is still hung upside down. The visit to the Cova Negra, one of the main archaeological sites in the Province, is also recommended for its historical and scenic value.

In Moixent we find a remnant of the earliest history of the region thanks to the Iberian town of Bastida de les Alcusses, declared a Historic-Artistic Monument for the great archaeological value of its findings, and the site of the famous Warrior of Moixent.

Strolling through the Castle of Montesa will take us back to the era of the Order of Montesa, established by King Jaume II in the 14th century. Despite the fact that the building was affected by an earthquake in 1748, some rooms of this Architectural-Artistic Monument are still open to visitors.

La Vall d’Albaida

To end our tour of the cultural offerings of the Province we will mention two of the best examples of lay architecture that are preserved in València: The Palacio de los Milà i Aragó, from the 15th century and current headquarters of the International Puppet Museum of Albaida and the Palau de la Vila in Ontinyent. This Palace, located on the Muslim Alcazar, still preserves remains of the old medieval wall.
In Albaida, you can also find the house museum of José Segrelles, one of the most international Valencian painters.
The icing on the cake of our visit will be a walk through the well-kept old town of Bocairent, where the Church of the Assumption and its magnificent Parish Museum with works by Sorolla, Juan de Juanes, Ribalta or Segrelles are located.