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Quart de Poblet

Quart de Poblet is located in the administrative region of l’Horta Sud, 5.9 km from Valencia. The municipality is completely flat, and is crossed by the River Turia to the north. It has approximately 25,500 inhabitants.


Quart de Poblet’s cuisine is typical of l’Horta administrative region, with a predominance of rice dishes. The most representative dish is paella, together with “arròs amb fessols i naps” (rice with beans and turnip), “arròs a banda” (rice with fish stock) and “arròs negre”· (rice in squid’s ink). Mention may also be made of “all i pebre”.

Places of interest:

Quart de Poblet has many interesting buildings, such as: the Church of the Immaculate Conception (18th century), the Church of the Blessed Sacrament and the Hermitage of Saint Onuphrius (patron saint of the town). Civil buildings include the Town Hall, the water cistern, of Visigoth or Muslim origin, and the interesting natural areas of “La Sèquia de Quart” and “Les Llengües”. Without doubt, Quart de Poblet’s most important monument or building is the Arabic cistern. Of Muslim origin, it was used for conserving water in good condition for use during time of scant rainfall. Mention must be made of the fact that it is the only construction of its kind in the entire administrative region.


Saint Anthony the Abbot’s Day is celebrated in January, during which animals are blessed. Festivities are held in honour of Saint Onuphrius on 9th and 10th June, with events including a market, a concert by the municipal band and a procession. The main festivities and Moors and Christians are celebrated as of the Friday prior to the first Sunday in the month, in commemoration of the battle fought by El Cid against the Almoravid troops.

Tourist Info Quart de Poblet
Edificio de La Estación C/ Reverendo José Palacios, 1.
Tel: 96 153 62 10 Ext. 1366
El horario es viernes de 17 a 20h y sábados de 10 a 14h (excepto días de rutas que se abre al finalizar).