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The baroque, single floor church, one of the few examples of Valencia baroque that exists in the surrounding administrative regions. “La Plaza de los Arboles” (19th century), where it is possible to view traditional houses and enormous, ancient trees that provide abundant shade. Numerous springs: “Fuente Grande”, “Santa Barbara” and “Bolot”. A network of marked trails that connect scenic locations. The River Magro runs through the municipality. It is canalised and forms meandering bends. Mention must be made of the rugged terrain. Another attraction in Macastre is its castle, or the remains of the castle, which dates from 17th century. Of Muslim origin, it was originally a large-scale defensive formation. It was used alternatively for defensive and surveillance activities. It has an elongated layout with two towers at its ends, although only the west towers remains. The different constructions were dedicated to a wide diversity of uses: grain storage, outbuildings, wells, etc. The castle’s west tower sits on top of a hill that dominates the entire village. It has undergone many renovations and additions over its history, each dependent on the particular political situation and the defensive needs of the moment.


“Mojete” (pork liver, oil and flour), “Rin-Ran” (cod, eggs, garlic, potatoes and uncooked oil), “gazpacho manchego” and “torta boba”. Lastly, mention must be made of the local wines, produced with grapes grown and harvested in the surrounding fields.


Local festivities (first fortnight of August), with various recreational and religious activities. Held in honour of the patron saints, Saint Barbara and Saint Salvador. Activities include exhibitions, sports competitions, street dances, concerts, etc. Bull-running Week. The bull-running week is celebrated following the local festivities. During the first weekend in September, festivities in honour of “Las Clavarias de Maria” are held. The celebrations include, in addition to the corresponding religious acts in honour of the Virgin Mary, fireworks, street dances, parades, etc.

Tourist Info Cheste
Calle María Carbonell 14.
Tel: 960616261
From Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.