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Valencia Turismo > Destinos > La Safor > L’Alqueria de la Comtessa > L´alqueria de la Comtessa

L´alqueria de la Comtessa

Mention may be made of the Parish Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, located in a natural setting of great beauty. There are Iberian remains in the municipality.


“Arròs caldós”, “arròs al forn”, paella, “bossa de polp”.

Mention may also be made of the wide variety of local rice dishes and salads prepared with grilled liver, blood, cuttlefish and mushrooms.

Places of interest:

The village, which is surrounded by agricultural land dedicated to citrus farming, is located 1 km from the beach. Fine sand beach with moderate waves. Waters suitable for bathing. Within the village, mention may be made of the Parish Church of Saint Andrew.


The main festivities are held from 29th June to 2nd July, in honour of Saint Peter and Saint Paul (the village’s patron saints), Christ of Refuge and the Divine Aurora

August: Saint Andrew, Saints Abdon and Sennen, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Christ, Our Lady of the Rosary. Moors and Christians.