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L´Alcudia de Crespins

L’Alcúdia de Crespins is located on the left bank of the River Cáñoles at the entrance to the Montesa valley, facing the mountains of Vernissa. It has a population of approximately 5000 inhabitants and is located at an altitude of 103m above sea level. It lies 10 km from Xativa, the capital of the administrative region, and 61 km from Valencia.


L’Alcúdia de Crespin’s most typical dishes are “rossejat” (rice) and “les coques cristines”.

Places of interest:

L’Alcúdia de Crespins’ attractions include the area which hosts the source of the River Los Santos (known as Riu Nou), a place of great natural beauty, with a variety of native flora, camping area and a natural pool. The area around the Hermitage is also of notable beauty. Its most notable monument is the Parish Church of Saint Onuphrius.


The Main Festivities are held on 12th June in honour of Saint Onuphrius. Activities such as educational workshops, chants of “albaes”, folk dances, sports tournaments, bonfires, fireworks, etc., are organized. The main festivities are during held in honour of the Holy Christ of the Calvary, and begin on the last Sunday in September and finish one week later.