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L’Alcúdia is a municipality located in the centre of the Ribera Alta administrative region. The town is located in the eastern part of the municipality. To the north is the River Magro, and to the south the River Júcar Royal Irrigation Canal. It lies 60 km from Valencia and 8 km from Alzira, the capital of the administrative region.


The most notable local dishes included paella and a wide variety of rice dishes, as well as “carabassa santa” (a typical Holy Week delicacy made from pumpkin).

Places of interest:

A visit to the town centre must include the impressive Church of Saint Andrew, dating from 18th century. In the surrounding area, mention may be made of the natural site known as “Els Fornals”.


The main festivities are held between 1st and 8th September.

A gastronomic fair is held from 8th to 12th October featuring local products from the Valencia Region: wines, “cavas” and liqueurs, sausages, sweets, which can all be sampled.

Other festivals of interest include: Carnival (February), Easter, medieval market (May), World Music Festival (Fesmón, July), Literary Month (November) and an agro-erotic festival (December, even years).

Lugares de interes de L’Alcúdia