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The most representative local dishes are stew and baked casserole (with rice, beans and turnip).

Places of interest:

Parish Church of Our Lady of Hope
A neoclassical work dating from the early 18th century, it is the most important religious building in the village. As part of the work carried out on the Bellús Reservoir in the 1990s, the church was to be demolished along with the oldest part of town. However, it was restored in 2003 and now houses a local museum.

New Church of Our Lady of Hope
Built in 1999 and opened in July 2000. It is modern building of simple design. It has a Latin cross layout, with a polygonal dome decorated with a multitude of coloured windows.

Hermitage of Christ of Refuge
It was built in the early 20th, and is located in the upper part of the village. It is made of masonry work and brick. It has a Latin cross layout and a barrel vault. Mention may be made of the dome, which is supported on pendetives, the chapels’ rose windows and the baroque painting of Christ of Refuge, dating from the mid 18th century.


During the second week of August, the village’s main festivities are held in honour of Saint Roche, Our Lady of Hope and the Christ of Refuge.

The festivities of Our Lady of Hope are held on 18th December.