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Estivella is located in the administrative region of Camp de Morvedre and has a population of 1,436 inhabitants, although this number increases during the summer. The River Palancia, which flows along the foot of the Sierra Calderona mountain range, runs through the municipality. The 21km² municipality is bounded on the north by Torres Torres; on the east by Sagunto, on the south by Albalat dels Tarongers and Segart; and on the West by Serra. It lies 30km from the city of Valencia.

Its economy is based on agriculture, and especially the farming of citrus fruits. Years ago, craft activities such as making hand-woven rugs and bull-horn combs were popular. It currently has a small industrial estate. It forms part of the tourism and leisure sector, and has a camping site focused on rural tourism -the “Camping Sierra Calderona” – and a leisure park, “Estivella pla”, located at the foot of Mount Garbí.


The most typical dish is paella, and the area is also renowned for its rice dishes and cured sausages. Well-known dishes include “arròs amb fesols i naps” (typically of the festivities of St. Blaise), and “cocas”. The sweet dishes include “orelletes amb mel” (fritters with honey).

Places of interest:

Ruins of Beselga castle, of Muslim origin.
Parish Church of Saint John (16th-century).
“El Garbi”, a magnificent vantage point of the whole administrative region of Camp de Morvedre and coastal area of l’Horta de Valencia, is surrounded by fabulous mountain scenery, including the landscapes of “Beselga” and “Font de Barraix”.
“Plà de Estivella” Leisure and Nature Park.
“Els Arcs” aqueduct.
Estivella bridge.
Santa Creu del Garbí Hermitage.

Cisterna nova.
Estivella is located in the heart of the Sierra Calderona mountain range. Its proximity to the sea provides for a smooth and balanced climate. The land is very rich and host to many differentiated communities of vegetation of high botanical value. Some species of great relevance have led to the declaration of certain areas within the municipality as “flora micro-reserves”. This is the case of “Puntal de l’Abella”. As for wildlife, the range has a rich entomological fauna.

This abundant wildlife includes birds such as the European nightjar, the Eurasian sparrowhawk, the Goshawk, the European bee-eater, the Bonelli’s eagle and the Eagle owl, among others. Furthermore, the Sierra Calderona range has been declared a Special Birdlife Protection Area. We can also find reptiles, such as viper snakes, ocellated lizards and leprous terrapins. A significant part of fauna is composed of mammals, including wild boar, wild cat, foxes, squirrels, rabbits and hares.

The natural landscape of the Sierra Calderona range is unique, diverse and highly complex: small valleys and ravines of different orientations, steep slopes leading to numerous summits, of which one of the most emblematic is the 601m “El Garbí”, a magnificent vantage point providing views over the entire Camp de Morvedre region and the coastal area of La Huerta de Valencia.


The village’s main festivities were traditionally held at the end of October in honour of the Holy Cross and St. Joseph. They date from 1784 (when the local patronage of Saint Joseph was popularly approved) and in 1787 (when the Holy Cross which is now on display in the parish church was located at “El Garbí”).

The festival calendar was formerly centred on the Assumption of Mary (15th August), Saint Blaise and Saint John.

Today, the Holy Cross of El Garbí and Saint Joseph festivities are now held in August (following a referendum in 1979), and have been joined by the celebrations of Our Lady of August and Saint Roche, which also have a long tradition in the village.

Additionally, on the Sunday before Saint Roche celebrations are held in honour of Our Lady of the Forsaken.

In preparation for the festivities of Saint Roche (16th August), a week beforehand the statue of the Saint is carried down from the Hermitage of Beselga to the chapel of the Church of Saint John in Estivella in a torchlight procession. On 16th August, the Saint is carried once more to Beselga, where a procession is held.

The masses and processions of the festivities of Saint Blaise, which are held on winter (3rd February), are accompanied by traditional cuisine, characterized by stews and “cocas”.

Lugares de interes de Estivella

¿Que hacer en Estivella?

Tourist Info Sagunto
Plaza Cronista Chabret.
Tel: 962655859
From Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 14:30. and from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, from 09:00 to 14:00.