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Benimuslem is situated on the left bank of the River Júcar. The municipality is completely flat. The River Júcar serves as a limit to the S and SE. The climate is Mediterranean. The most frequent winds blow from the east and from the west: the latter is responsible for bringing rain, usually in spring and autumn. The land is dedicated to irrigation farming. Irrigation water is supplied from the River Júcar, via the Royal River Júcar Irrigation Canal. The most important crops are citrus fruits, wheat, rice and vegetables. The village is situated on the left bank of the River Júcar. The parish church is dedicated to the Immaculate Conception.


The most notable local dishes are: paella, “arròs al forn amb fesols i naps” (baked rice with beans and turnip), “arròs caldos” (rice with broth), whilst typical sweets include “arnadí”, “mones de pascua” and “pastissets of moniato” (sweet potato cakes).

Places of interest:

Río Júcar landscape. Parish Church “La Purisima”


The village celebrates its main festivities in honour of the Immaculate Conception, Saint Roche, Saint Anthony and the Christ of Health during the second fortnight in August.

Tourist Info Alzira
Plaza del Reino S/N.
Tel: 962419551
From Tuesday to Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Sundays: from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.