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The municipality of Andilla is located 71km from Valencia, in the northwest of the province of Valencia and on the border with Aragon. It is the second largest municipality in the administrative region of La Serranía, which conditioned the appearance of other villages, such as La Pobleta, Osset, Artaj and the Pardanchinos wineries. Numerous archaeological remains testify that Andilla was populated by cultures prior to the Bronze Age. Furthermore, the village had a certain relevance during the Spanish Civil War, as it was on the battlefront from 1938-1939. The historical importance of the Barony of Andilla is reflected in the large number of monuments that have endured throughout its history.


Typical dishes in Andilla include “olla churra”, a stew with potatoes, thistles, beans, pig bones and blood sausage, as well as the excellent local meats.
Typical products: Olive Oil, Truffles, Honey, L’Andillana Wine Pardanchinos Empresa Agroalimentaria L’Andillana

Sweets of Arabic origin (“congretes”, sweet potato cakes and anise rolls). Available in the local shops.

Places of interest:

Outstanding monuments:
The 14th-century portal of the wall, the hermitage of Saint Margaret (15th-century), the Church of the Assumption (16th-/17th-centuries), which houses paintings from the Ribalta school representing the Virgin Mary, and the 18th-century Hermitage of Saint Agnes, built at the foot of the Castle.

Natural parks:
Mention may be made of the two main parks. Firstly, “La Moraica”, located 4.5 km. from Andilla and of great natural beauty. It runs up to the “El Señor” spring, a recreational area with a beautiful waterfall. Secondly, “El Barranco de la Cingla”, a wonder of nature drenched in shades of red, thanks to the local abundance of sandstone.


The main festivities take place on 21st January (Festivity of Saint Agnes), and on 24th August (Festivity of Saint Bartholomew). Both festivities are accompanied by festive and religious celebrations. A pilgrimage to the Hermitage of Saint Margaret is held in May.

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