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Valencia Turismo > Learn the history of the city of the Borgias

Learn the history of the city of the Borgias

In 1707, after winning the War of Succession, the Bourbon King Felipe V faced the defenders of Archduke Carlos and the Bourbon King Felipe withdrew the fueros (the laws that had governed the region of València since the 13th century), and ordered the burning of the city of Xàtiva, one of the main bastions of the pretender to the house of the Habsburgs. For this reason, the portrait of King Felipe V hangs upside down in the city's main museum. The visit to Xàtiva also offers the visitor the possibility of visiting a historic city, declared a historical-artistic complex, which has one of the most beautiful castles in the Province as well as a rich gastronomic tradition (the popular baked rice has its origin here) . The history of the most universal Valencian family, the Borgias, who gave the world two Popes (Alejandro VI and Calitxto III) begins in the city of Xàtiva.