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Albufera Natural Park

About 10 kilometres south of València, on the coast, is the Albufera Natural Park.

L’Albufera de València is a lagoon famous for the nature of its waters, it is surrounded by 223 km² of rice fields and coastal dunes, where we can find a great variety of fish, some of them in danger of extinction, such as the fartet and the samaruc and where unique species of aquatic birds hibernate.
In the surrounding towns you can eat a good Valencian paella, or try l’all i pebre de anguila in their restaurants. You can also take a boat ride on the lake, and visit its wonderful viewpoint, from which you can contemplate some of the best sunsets in Spain.

The great ecological variety (coastal dunes, marsh formations, salt marshes, and Mediterranean forest) make up a unique landscape.

Interpretation Center Racó de l'Olla
Carretera El Palmar s/n. 46012. Valencia.
Phone:96 386 80 50
More information about the natural parks of the province of Valencia: More information about the natural parks of Valéncia.