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Ròtova is an agricultural village located in the administrative region of La Safor and the sub-administrative region of Vall de Vernisa. It has been declared a tourist town by the Valencia Regional Government due to porrat de Sant Macià.


Typical local products include coques de dacsa, prepared with cornmeal, els pastissets d’aire and sweets made with almond and sweet potatoes.

Rótova has three bakeries with wood-oven, which are used to give the local bakery and pastry products a special taste.

Places of interest:

Aqueduct of Saint Jerome Monastery (16th century), Gothic-Mudejar
Palace of the Counts of Rótova (17th century)
Parish Church of St. Bartholomew (18th century)
“La Finestra” spring
“Porrat de Sant Macià” (a fair that is held during the last week of February)

The village is surround by beautiful landscapes, which will delight hikers and nature-lovers alike.


The village’s main festivities are held between 8th and 11th September in honour Our Lady of Health, the Divine Aurora, Christ of the Faith and Saint Bartholomew the Apostle, the patron saint of the village.

Other notable festivals are held on the eve of Saint Anthony’s Day (17th January) with bonfires and verbenas, and 2nd February, the festivities held in honour of Our Lady of La Candelaria. Festivities are also held throughout the year in honour of Saint Joseph, Saint Mathew, Saint Vicent Ferrer and Saint James.

Tourist Info Ròtova
Plaza Mayor 7.
Tel: 962835316
Web: Plaza Mayor 7 C.P: 46725 Rótova
From September 16: Monday to Friday from 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. ***JULY AND AUGUST: Monday to Friday from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.***