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The municipality of Rafelcofer dedicated to the cultivation of citrus fruits. The village’s main building is the Parish Church of Saint Anthony and Saint Diego.


Depending on the season and the festivities, different local dishes are prepared, including:

– In January, for the festivities of Saint Anthony, afternoon snacks with blessed bread.
– For Lent, it is typical to eat paella with cod, or with onion, spinach or garlic; dry rice, prepared and served in a clay dish, with cod and potato and, finally, cod balls and bean stew.
– For Easter, “mona” and “coca “reganyada””. Children enjoy “mona” with dry sausage and hard-boiled egg.
– In May, the Day of the Cross, it is traditional to make biscuits.
– In summer, oven-baked rice with black tuna.
– At Christmas, homes are filled with sweet potato cakes with almonds, “cocas cristinas” and “rossegons”.

Other typical dishes served throughout the year include baked rice, “arroz con costra” and oven-baked Atlantic bonito. There are also many typical, widely-appreciated homemade sweets, such as “corona de gloria”, “rollos de aguardiente”, “mantecadas”, “coca de azúcar” and “moca”.


Diverse festivities are held throughout the year in Rafelcofer, such as those dedicated to Saint Vincent, Saint Diego, a Culture Week and the patron Saint Festivities. During the festival of Saint Vincent Ferrer (held in April), the street of the same name is decorated and hosts different activities. Theatre performances, the shows by the Rafelcofer dance group, the fireworks known as “les mascletades” and street dinners are some of the activities offered. Saint Diego’s Day is celebrated during the third weekend in August with dinners, street dances and with the traditional bicycle route through the municipality. The Culture Week is held during the first week in July, and precedes the Patron Saint Festivities. Activities are held throughout the week for all the public: handicraft workshops for small children, talks and lectures for adults, and activities adapted to the needs of different social groups, such as theatre shows, cinema, zarzuela, live music and “pelota a raspall”. Mention may be made of the “fanalet” festivity, held on the Tuesday, during which children traditionally make lanterns from watermelons and then parade through the town. Sports competitions, such as swimming, football and various games in the local sports facilities, are organised. The village’s main festivities are held from Tuesday to Saturday during the second week of July. The activities include street dinners in the square with music, diverse religious processions dedicated to Our Lady of Mount Carmel, the Divine Aurora, Saint Anthony and Saint Diego, and the Christ of Refuge. The activities include a Moors and Christians parade, which is held on the Thursday and is the subject of much interest.