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Daimús is an agricultural village which retains the typical features of its past, and which also has a very fine beach: Los Pedregales, with golden sands and moderate waves.

The geomorphology of the municipality is gentle. It is crossed by the Daimuz irrigation canal, whilst La Azagador irrigation canal serves as a southern border with the municipality of Guardamar de La Safor. Within its 3.10 km2, there are two clearly differentiated zones: the lowlands that make up the coastal area and the old marsh, and the area where the village is located.


The local cuisine includes the following dishes: “arroz al horno” (baked rice), paella, “coques de dacsa” (corn cakes).

Places of interest:

Church of St. Peter the Apostle
It dates from 19th century, although it was built atop a 15th century temple. Restored in 2010.

Casa Grande
A stately home dating from the late 19th century.

Old lavoir
Located in the current Calle Assagador, it was formerly the location in which local women washed laundry. Today, it still retains vestiges of their presence. It is the main irrigation canal of series that is fed by groundwater.


Saint Peter (29th June), patron saint of the village, main festivities. Festivities of Saint James (25th May).

Daimus Beaches.

Lugares de interes de Daimús

¿Que hacer en Daimús?

Tourist Info Daimús
Plaza Alcalde Francico Castelló s/n.
Tel: 962803823
From Monday to Saturday: from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sundays: from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.