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Casinos is located 38 km from Valencia, on the northwest edge of the Llíria plain and on the border with La Serrania. The township’s population is around 3000, and agriculture remains the mainstay of its economy, and most notably grapes, almonds, olives, cereals, oranges and tangerines, as well as the making of handmade sugared almonds and nougat.


Local specialities include sugared almonds and nougats, made in family-run establishments following traditional recipes. Special mention may be made of the local chocolate sugared almonds. The village’s roasted pumpkins are also well-known throughout the region, as is its confectionery: Swiss roll, “fabiolas” (biscuit cakes), cakes, “malagueños”, “suspiros”, “congrets” (anise cakes), “coques ensaixinaes”, “coques cristines” and many others, all of which are made with Marcona almonds, sugar and flour. Each year, the council organizes the Homemade Sweets Fair, the slogan of which is “CASINOS IS AS SWEET AS ITS SUGARED ALMONDS, AS FLAVOURSOME AS ITS NOUGAT”.

Places of interest:

Places to visit in Casinos include the parish church of Saint Barbara, dedicated to the patron saint of the town, a statue of whom is displayed on the main altar; Torresca peak (located 2km from Casinos), as well as numerous gullies, ravines and pools. In the main street, Avenida de Valencia, we find the houses of craftsmen dedicated to the sale of sugared almonds and nougat. Recreational areas include the Torre Seca Park, which is equipped with camping areas, facilities for making paella and springs, and the Giner Peak, where we find the Hermitage of Saint Roche (1892) Each year during November, Casinos celebrates its Homemade Sweet Fair to promote the locally-made sugared almonds and nougat.


Casino’s main festivities take place in August. The Festivity of the Assumption of Mary is held on 15th, and that of Saint Roche on 16th. During the festivities, various events, such as parades, musical performances, mobile discos, street dances, bull-running, popular lunches, etc. are organized. Furthermore, during the last weekend of November the Casinos Handmade Sweet, Sugared Almond and Nougat Fair is held.

Tourist Info Camp de Túria
Pla de l'Arc- Edificio Sede Mancomunidad Llíria.
Tel: 962793619
From Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.