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Pinedo Beach


Pinedo Beach

It is located to the south of the port and the sailing club, which protect it from the northerly winds. It is an open beach with fine sand, and the surroundings include an area of dunes and vegetation that give way to a strip of fertile plantation typical of Valencia. *Dog beach*


– Popularity: high. – Development: semi-developed beach – Type of sand: golden. – Sand quality: coarse sand. – Bathing conditions: moderate waves. – Water quality: suitable for bathing – Transport: bus from city of Valencia. – Hostelry: restaurants. Supervision: local police and Red Cross. – Other services: beach cleaning, litter bins and showers – Distances: 6 km from Valencia. – Access: via the El Saler motorway and the CV-500 regional road


Q ICTE Quality

Tipo de playa

    Servicios de playa

    • Pasarelas
    • Abierta
    • Restaurante
    • Parking
    • Estado del mar
    • Cruz roja
    • Parada bus taxi
    • Lavapies
    • Acceso personas con movilidad reducida
    • Lavabos
    • Accesibles
    • Juegos deportivos