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Aielo de Rugat

This agricultural village is located on the northern slopes of the Sierra del Benicadell range. It belongs to the administrative region of La Vall d’Albaida.


Baked rice, paella, “arroz caldoso” (rice with broth), rice “amb fesols i penques” and “olles” (stews), as well as sweets such as “carquinyols” madeleines, roly-poly and sweet potato cakes.

Places of interest:

There are several natural sites of interest within the municipality, such as “La Fuente de Perrí” and “Las Pozas”.

Rugat /Ayelo Castle


The village has two main festivities. On 16th and 17th January, Saint Anthony the Abbott’s Day is celebrated with bonfires, an open-air dinner and the blessing of animals.

And on 15th August, Our Lady of August is celebrated with religious acts, street dances and other recreational events.